
Focus Areas This Year

1. Women’s Nights - a time of food, fellowship and encouragement, each with a specific topic (The Word, The Holy Spirit, Purpose & Vision, and Dominion).

2. Better Together Brunch – this is a discipleship group for those wanting to disciple through relationships. We are meeting to learn more about Biblical discipleship, to pray for and encourage one another, and for accountability.

3. Women's Conference - This Fall we are planning to host our first IC Women’s conference.

Join with us, I hope to see you soon.

There is a mighty army on the horizon, it is God's daughters, young and old. They are being stirred by the voice of their King, no longer content with the status quo, they are leaving the sidelines and rising up to take their place on the battlefield. Dressed in full armor they come prepared, marching together in unity, knowing their identity and their authority; they are coming to reclaim their territory, to take the giants down."

- Lynn Harris

Women's Ministry Director

Recommended Book

"His voice Calls out to His daughters:
Rise up, My daughters, rise up! I am releasing the mantles of Deborah and Esther to rest upon you in this hour. This is your moment. I am giving your enemies into your hands.” In one hand they carry the sword of the Spirit; in the other, they hold the Blood of the Lamb. They are moving to the sound of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who is roaring behind them. They have come to rebuild the ancient ruins, to repair the cities destroyed, to revive and redeem the devastations of many generations. Daughter, can you hear the call of the Beloved for the hour at hand? “Rise up, Deborah, and take the giants down.”

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